The Reality-Gaming Business Sector
Reality-gaming means exactly what it implies, "real people, inside and trying to conquer real life-like games." Questing, as uniquely offered by Boda Borg, is but one form of Reality-gaming. At Boda Borg, we believe that Reality-gaming is the future of fun. Why? Well, in part because there's nothing that can compete with you, a real 3-dimensional person experiencing a 3-dimensional world with all your human senses, actually doing a life-like game yourself. Yeah, yeah...the experience cannot be boring, and it should be exciting, truly life like, and get you totally pumped up. Our bet is that real beats non-real any day of the week, and any year of the century. Our offering is Questing; we're very proud to bring Questing to you.
New Reality-gaming offerings are popping up all the time. We predict that over the next 2 decades, Reality-gaming will itself change and evolve, and will define out-of-home fun. We intend to be a part of that evolution with unparalleled state-of-the-art Questing offerings.