Got QUESTions?
Hey, Questing is totally new to most people, and there's nothing to compare it to. We get it! So, you've got questions, we've got answers (hopefully...we'll do our best).
- What exactly is a Quest?
A Quest is a series of challenges, or tasks, in sequential rooms. Teams of 3 - 5 people try to conquer our Quests. It’s very similar to trying to beat a video game, except Quests are real, life-like experiences for real people (no video gaming). It’s probably the most exhilarating experience you’re going to have outside of your home with a group of people!
What we really offer is “Questing.” This means that for one price, your team can try and conquer any of the many Quests in a Boda Borg location as many times as you like.
Here’s what Questing is not: it’s not an Escape Room of any type, it’s not virtual reality or augmented reality, or anything that gives digital environments, it’s not anything to do with using a computer to play games, it’s not obstacle course racing, it’s not anything athletic or competitive, and it’s not anything that requires a certain level of education.
- How much does one Quest cost?
You can’t pay for one Quest at Boda Borg. It’s not like a movie where you buy and watch one movie at a time. You pay for Questing, not a Quest. Pay once, and you can try to conquer as many Quests as you want with your time at Boda Borg, as many times as you want. Your choice entirely.
- OK, then how much does "Questing" cost?
Usually between US$30 - $40 for 2-hours, and around US$45 and up for “all day” (some locations are offering 4 or 5 hour stays during the pandemic). However, it depends on the specific location.
Please visit the page on this website of the Boda Borg location of interest for their specific pricing.
Regardless of the location, Questing is a ton less expensive than Escape Rooms or any other form of Reality-gaming today, as far as we are aware.
- How many Quests can I try on any one visit?
Dah…all of them…as many times as you wish!
We love this part about Boda Borg and Questing. You NEVER buy entrance to any one Quest at Boda Borg. You are buying Questing as an experience. Go anywhere, try any Quest or all Quests during your stay, as many times as you want.
- Are we "locked" into rooms at Boda Borg?
No…in general. We typically do not lock you into anything. Quite the opposite actually.
Boda Borg is not an Escape Room activity, so locking people into rooms and allowing an hour to get out is not what we do.
- Can we change team members?
Sure. just do it…anytime you want. It can be really fun also if you are with a larger group to sometimes mix up different teams.
- Are there size or age limitations at Boda Borg?
No, no size limitations per se. Hey, Boda Borg is for everyone…as long as you are good people and respectful of other Guests and Boda Borg staff and facility.
Yes, there are age limitations. We don’t like it much, but unfortunately no kids under the age of 7 are allowed to Quest at Boda Borg. This is for safety reasons.
Kids age 7 & 8 can Quest when accompanied by a responsible adult inside of the Quests at all times.
Kids age 9 to 11 may Quest without an adult accompanying them in the Quests, but a responsible adult must be inside the Boda Borg location during their visit.
All ages above age 12 and up may Quest without an adult inside of the Quests, and with no requirement that an adult be in the location.
Please note that all adult Guests may need to review and sign a waiver, depending on the country or territory, and in such areas a legal guardian adult must sign a waiver for their kids only. See FAQ, “Must we sign a waiver.”
- What are the health and sanitation procedures?
- At Boda Borg you Quest in teams of 3-5 people in your own party (the people you arrived with). A good practice, pandemic or no pandemic, is to social distance (2 meters or about 6 feet) from other groups when possible.
- If you don’t feel well, we will respectfully ask you to stay home and to re-book your visit to Boda Borg again when you are well.
- Boda Borg employees who are not well are of course also asked to stay home, and/or work from home, until well.
- All locations aim to have sanitizer solutions available for Guests and staff.
- Please visit your local unit’s webpage to get more detailed information on their specific health and sanitation procedures.
- Please know that our policy is to follow guidance from official health authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO), or local health authorities in your country or state/province. We also of course follow any official government mandates.
- What if I need to reschedule our visit due to the pandemic?
We understand that it can be hard to book / plan a visit during a time when the circumstances can change quickly. Therefore, you can currently cancel or reschedule your visit during the pandemic – at no extra charge.
- Can we book the entire location, exclusively for my group?
Yes, Just contact the specific Boda Borg location and inquire about your event, dates, costs, etc.
- Can we book a conference room to hold meetings, or just for privacy?
Absolutely. You can rent a conference room before, during, or after your Questing time. You can use or conference rooms for meetings, or just to have a private spot to gather, talk, regroup, celebrate. Catering may also be possible. Please contact the location for rates and availability.
- Is the selection of Quests at each location the same?
**NO!…**Absolutely not!
We have over 300 different Quests in our world of Boda Borg today, and growing. While you might find some of the same Quests at a different location, no two locations are ever exactly alike at this time.
- How many Guests can enter at once?
You probably mean “how many can enter a Quest at once,” right? Ok, in that case the answer is 3 - 5 people on any one team can enter a specific challenge of a Quest. A Quest can have 2 and often more challenges.
- Do I need to wear sportsclothes or any special clothes?
[Special Note on Shoes: At this time we allow franchised locations to establish location-based shoe rules, which may not conform with corporate rules. Please check with the location of your choice.]
The general answer is “No.” You are in control of you at Boda Borg. Wear whatever you want…well, as long as it socially acceptable and poses no risk for other Guests, in our view. Boda Borg is not a sport, and it’s not exercise, so no special clothes are required.
We do recommend wearing comfortable and flexible clothing, like jeans perhaps. We also recommend comfortable and safe shoes, like sneakers perhaps or other closed-toed shoes (see above special note).
Remember also that clothes can get damaged or ruined at Boda Borg…after all, it is Reality-gaming. So we’d recommend leaving you best duds at home.
- Can I eat inside of Quests?
No, but we have food and beverages for sale that can be enjoyed in our Social Area
- Can we Quest for less than 2 hours?
You pay for a minimum of 2-hours.
However, you can of course leave whenever you want…so if you only want to stay for an hour, that’s up to you entirely. Know however that you really cannot come to appreciate Questing in all its amazing wonder with an experience less than 2 hours.
- Is there wifi?
Of course, and its 100% free.
You’ll see “Boda Borg Guest” as a wifi option. Just select that and you are all set.
- Do we need any special technology inside of the Quests?
Nope…just come as you are, just like in real life. That’s why our business sector is called “Reality-Gaming.” Just be you, we’ll take care of the technologies.
- How long does any one Quest take to conquer?
That depends entirely on you. There’s nothing slow about Questing, but you can (and will) definitely fail at times…which means you’ll get kicked out of that Quest and have to either start over or select a new Quest to try.
If you can figure out how to conquer all of the challenges of any particular Quest fast, then the entire Quest can take only minutes perhaps (depends also on the Quest). We typically don’t make it easy to figure that out, though!
- Can we touch anything we want inside of a Quest?
If it’s a part of the Quest then you can explore, but be careful, and be respectful please…just as you would in a real life situation.
Exploring does not mean pulling hard or damaging, so please do not pull hard on something that does not seem to want to budge; it’s not likely meant to budge, so please save your muscles for the gym in most cases. Equally important, not everything inside of a Quest is a part of the Quest, and these things are typically common sense: fire sprinklers, smoke detectors, exit signs, etc. Please avoid touching these types of items.
- Are we required to pay online?
Never at Boda Borg.
We’d love it that if you book online, you pay online at the same time for you entire team. That is best for all. We know that many companies require this upfront payment. However, we do not require this at Boda Borg. Some teams want different people to pay separately. We respect you and your decisions, and we trust you.
If you book and then cannot show up, we’d really appreciate it if you give us a call and let us know…that helps free up your spot for someone else. Please find the location’s contact info on their page on this website. Thanks in advance.
- What's the wait time after booking online?
You mean how many days is Boda Borg typically booked up in advance? Well, that depends on the day of the week.
If it’s a weekend day or night, then you may have to wait a couple or a few weeks…although it’s only a few days maybe during the pandemic. We definitely recommend booking in advance.
Summers are particularly busy understandably. If it’s a weekday, then it should be a lot sooner, maybe immediately or just a day or two, but that will depend on how many companies or special groups are booked for that week.
- Are there tons of kids at Boda Borg?
So the clear majority of our Guests over a years time are indeed adults (age 17 and above, all the way into the 80s).
Still, kids under the age of 17 love Boda Borg as well, and they particularly like Saturday and Sunday mornings. No surprise there. There are no kids under the age of 7 Questing at modern Boda Borg locations.
You might be concerned about noise with the kids…we understand. We can assure you that even if you have several hundred adults at Boda Borg and not one person say under the age of 30 in the building, they are going to make noise…just like kids. That is the nature of Boda Borg!
- Is it noisy inside of a Boda Borg location?
In the Questing area, yes, it’s definitely noisy if there if a lot of Guests are there…no matter their ages. You might be concerned about noise with kids…we understand. We can assure you that even if you have several hundred adults at Boda Borg and not one person say under the age of 30 in the building, they are going to make a ton of noise. Tons! Just like kids. So, kids or no kids, unless there’s no one in the building, there’s no such thing as a quiet Boda Borg in the Questing area…it’s way too much fun!
However, in the social areas and/or conference rooms, it’s often reasonably peaceful (that doesn’t mean quiet…just a ton less noisy than the Questing area). So if you need, take a break to the social area.
- Is Questing risky?
Please review our Safety Disclosure document, which can be found in the lower menu at the bottom of this website under “Disclaimer.” With 20 years of experience, Our Quests have proven to be very safe, compared to other activities such as bowling, trampoline jump houses, our outdoor playgrounds, for example. We have an excellent safety record given the millions of Guests who have visited locations over the years.
Still, Questing, by its very nature, is based on “reality.” It’s real people, inside real games. Just like in real life, “reality” means there is some risk to consider. You may be very active inside of Boda Borg Quests…crawling, climbing, jumping, pushing, running, etc. etc. You can certainly get bumps, bruises, scratches, or a twisted ankle, among other possible injuries. You need to be very observant as there may be holes in the floor, obstacles to avoid, and falls are possible. It’s possible to draw blood and require stitches, and it’s also possible that something could be broken or a more serious injury may occur, though these type occurrences are extremely rare.
- Are the Quests scary?
Most Boda Borg Quests are not scary at all…anything but in fact.
But just like in movies, TV, and books, we do have a few that are a bit, if not a lot, scary.
Good news is that you get to decide which Quests you attempt.
Didn’t find your answer? Feel free to contact your closest location for more answers about your local Boda Borg.